Protect Wine Region Names:
Location Matters.
There are 1+ million wine producers in the world, producing nearly 3 billion cases of wine each year, according to the International Organization of Vine and Wine. As consumers navigate this ever-expanding world, the information on wine labels is vital. It tells consumers what they are buying and what they are drinking and should accurately reflect the wine’s true location of origin. Some countries, however, allow the misuse of wine region names. Research finds that a growing number of consumers want wine labels to accurately reflect the true place of origin.
Consumer Views.
33% have bought a bottle of wine and discovered after purchasing that it was not from the location they thought it was.
79% consider the region where a wine comes from an important factor when buying wine.
94% support establishing laws designed to protect consumers from misleading wine labels.
75% say wine labels should be accurate to allow consumers to make an educated purchase.
Results from a 2018 survey of 800 American consumers by GBA Strategies.